Archive for January, 2008

Embrace porn, don’t hate it

A good friend of mine is going through a hard time in his marriage.  He wanted to get something off of his chest, but he did not want to use his blog in the off chance that his wife would see what he was saying, and what he really felt inside.  He gave the following info to me to post.  I have not edited the meaning of his post, just updated for spelling and content flow.  [sorry dude, use your spell-check 🙂 ]

I can’t understand why so many people hate pornography. In my personal experience, it is hated by women the most. Yes, those women are also married. Married women, most of all, should be the ones who have the least problems with it.

Throughout the ages, men have been driven to pursue some type of sexual relationship. From the mid-teenage years until they cannot physically perform, guys are after sex. With the problems caused by disease, unwanted pregnancies, and infidelity, physical relationships can go bad quickly. Why not avoid the mess, and just hope to be satisfied by pictures and movies?

For MANY couples that I’ve known, and many stories I’ve read (in print and online), many men are frustrated with their wife’s unwillingness to have sex. Usually, the sex is good and reliable for the entire time leading up to marriage, and usually for about a year afterwards. However, about that time, the wife seems to have into non-stop headaches. Sorry bub, you will get to have sex no more than 10-12 times a year now. Women will sometimes admit that it’s their fault the sex has stopped, but they usually aren’t willing to do anything about it. Why are then then upset that their man turns to another woman (that’s bad), to forceful sex(bad also), or to porn (not bad)? They are pursuing what they need – but with porn they aren’t being unfaithful or abusive.

Porn is providing what the man desires – that which the wife won’t provide.  It provides the man with an image of a woman (or three) having sex – and actually enjoying it!  Pictures and videos of sex aren’t real alternatives to actual sex, but it’s as close as you can get without jumping into another bed.  Why then is there so much hate towards porn? It’s solving problems without creating more! People should like it a little bit more because of the problems it solves than for the general “bad image” it has. Don’t hate it, respect it for it’s good points.

Yes, there are serious problem areas in the porn world (children, slavery, rape, etc), and I’m not trying to belittle their impact or importance, it is just beyond the scope of this post.

January 27, 2008 at 9:03 pm 2 comments

Senior Citizens VS Illegal Immigrants

Five million of our older Americans have not signed up yet for their Medicare, Part D, drug plan – they are old and confused.

We are NOT going to grant them an  extension. However, 12 million illegal immigrants are in our country and we are going to allow them to stay, protest, procreate, receive support monies, attend schools, avoid paying income taxes, demand our teachers take 300 hours of ESL (English as a *Second Language*) training at our expense, etc.


If it ticks you off, pass it on!! Don’t forget to pay your taxes…… Twelve million  Illegal Immigrants are depending on you!

January 19, 2008 at 8:34 pm Leave a comment

A secret

I’ve got a secret… You can see what it is at – mine is the 5th post down right now. Make sure to hit the ‘refresh’ button on your web browser to make sure you’ve got the right one…

=) Ok, I’m just kidding. Maybe I did post something, maybe I didn’t. You will never know. That site is cool though, it’s like a glimpse into everyone’s life, one post at a time. I’m guessing though that every 3 or 4 posts is made up. It’s like a soap opera that even guys can get hooked on…

January 9, 2008 at 11:34 pm Leave a comment

Ban Styrofoam

I HATE getting anything packaged with styrofoam.  It’s a handy packaging material, but just because it’s cheap and easy for a shipping company or manufacturer to use doesn’t mean it should be OK to use.  Using this same reasoning, banning the use of this crap would make life cheaper and easier for me, therefore it should be OK.

Instead of using styrofoam for packaging, how about cardboard?  How about air-bubble plastic?  How about biodegradable styrofoam?  Just use something that doesn’t get thrown away after one use!

Yes, not using styrofoam will probably add a little bit to the cost of manufacture, assembly, and shipping.  SO WHAT? If the people using this were honest and only passed on the price increase that they realize, my costs wouldn’t go up that much – but yes, they would increase.  However, by not using styrofoam, my cost for disposal would go down!  Yes, I have to pay a company to pick up my trash, or I have to pay to take my trash to a landfill.  Using easily recyclable products means that I don’t pay that ugly fee.  I can put it in my recycle bin, or I can put it in the compost pile.

Even the company that makes styrofoam admits that recycling is basically non-existent.  Read it for yourself at – I just condensed several pages of gobbley-gook into less than five words.

January 9, 2008 at 11:01 am 2 comments


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