Archive for April, 2007

Solution to prison over-crowding

Recently on Yahoo, I saw someone’s interesting idea on how to fix prison over-crowding. It is miles from being politically correct, but I’m sure it would make a huge difference in how people act.

Once a facility is at capacity and a new inmate comes in, execute the prisoner who has seniority. It wouldn’t take too many executions to discourage potential newcomers once they realized where their fate would take them.

You know, as harsh as that sounds, I don’t really think that it’s such a bad idea… Those people with ‘seniority’ are lifetime criminals anyway, and we as citizens are paying massive amounts of money for them to live more comfortably, albiet without many freedoms.

Many people who think this type of thing is a horrible idea, both criminals and law-abiding citizens; however, I think this would most likely be a HUGE deterrent to people heading in to jail.  Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time, right?

Not only would this solve many over-crowding problems, this would also save quite a bit of money.  We wouldn’t have to pay for so many life-long crooks to live in relative luxury without having to do much work.  True, they don’t have many personal freedoms, but…  People who live in prison can go to (remote) college, access to a decent library, plenty of TV/books/games/weight room/etc to keep their minds and bodies in shape.  For most long-time residents, they harmed someone to get in to jail, and their victim just does their best to go on with their lives – but we get to pay for the bad guy to live in gray-bar hotel.

Well guess what, Mr. Live In Prison Forever…  No more.  Get a new guy on C Block, and you get your neck on the chopping block.

Interesting thought to ponder, yes?

April 6, 2007 at 3:01 pm 2 comments


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