Drity Stories

January 12, 2009 at 10:01 pm Leave a comment

Are they really just stories, or are they pornography for the brain?  Different strokes for different folks, they say.

I have tried my hand at writing some of them and have come to limited success, but only according to random people online.  So my value as a “smut author” (as I have been called for writing these stories) is entirely based on the opinions of a few dozen readers on a few websites that cater to these types of stories.

On these same adult story websites, I have read through a number of other stories and was actually rather disappointed in what I found.  With a few exceptions, there were roughly a dozen or so primary concepts, and all were written about the same type of way.  The physical aspects of the characters were usually about the same, and the primary difference was just in the names these people had.  This lack of originality was one of the factors that encouraged me to try to write some myself.  Looking back, I think some of the negative reviews I received was because I broke away from “the norm” several times.  Not all the women had blonde or red hair, nor did they all wear 44DDD bras.  Not all the men were massively muscled, or had an exotic accent, or a 18 inch long, 3 inch thick “love tool.”  Fine, they weren’t porn actors / actresses, the were not surgically enhanced, they were just, ummm, seemingly normal people.  Some variations would be nice.

All that aside (like me bitching about bad reviews), I am still kind of curious as to why written porn is not looked down upon as much as visual porn (pictures & movies).  From the stories that have the best reviews from the most people, my “normal people, mostly normal sex” stories was too boring.  The best reviews come from the ones relating to rape, incest, bondage, hypnotism, and orgies.  Visual depictions of these same subjects are usually regarded as some of the least politically correct topics.  I can see why *showing* a rape is not good, even when the subjects are paid actors.  However, reading these same topics is only words on paper, and is therefore OK?  What is really worse?  Watching something is easy on the brain – you don’t have to ‘work’ to observe the action, you just look.  On the other hand, reading this same material lets you make these same stories come to life in your mind.  You put faces, bodies, and voices to the action.  You no longer notice that “the 18 year-old babysitter” is a 30-year old woman with that looks young.  That babysitter is the actual babysitter!  Or the girl down the street.  The “girl next door” is no longer a 5-year veteran of XXX action – she honestly *IS* the girl next door.

Whether you equate pornography as a sexual aid, or a replacement for the physical act of sex, it is still involved with physical reationships.  Porn’s listing as a “danger” or “bad thing” is debatable, but used under the wrong circumstances, by the wrong people, it can damage relatonships; without question, it is harmful to some of the people creating it.  A specifically danger is the part of giving substance to the written word.  Most people cannot read something describing physical activity without picturing that same activity.  And what better actor / actress to use than someone the reader is already familiar with?  It’s kind of hard to replace a video or still picture with another body or face.  Most videos and pictures use many special effects, and modified somewhat after shooting.  The text-based format though, has no such limitations.  Anything can be done, regardless if it is physically possible or not.  While making your imagination work is usually good for you, is it just as good if it is used in a way that can be forming a bad habit, or twisting the realm of realism compared to fantasy life?

Some people like reading these stories because it describes fantasies that they would never try in real life.  They live vicariously through these words.  I have seen many men get in trouble by their wives or girlfriends for watching porn.  On the other had, these same women see nothing wrong with reading porn disguised as a romance novel.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying we should get rid of pron, regulate it, etc.  Leave it in place, and let everyone who wants to enjoy it do so.  It is still porn, don’t try classifying it as something else.

Entry filed under: boobs, Digital Life, Media, porn, Randomness, Rant-N-Rave, Relationships, sex.

You talk too much Why People Are Homosexuals

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